You may be wondering where to find a free money making website that gives you a legitimate way to earn money online. These websites allow you to create a page or blog that you can design yourself. If you are an internet marketer, these websites are great for creating new content and a little extra pocket change.
Squidoo lenses – Squidoo lenses are one-page websites that you can use to create pages based on your own interests. Each lens has multiple modules including text boxes, video, rss feeds, guest books, and more. The possibilities are endless and very easy to use. Squidoo has a whole community of users that you can interact Lifestyle with, share your lenses, and comment on and rate other people’s lenses. You can earn money for yourself or donate it to charities.
HubPages: HubPages are also single page websites where you can create a page based on what interests you. You can add images, text, a guestbook, Amazon, and eBay links. You can also make money with HubPages by adding your affiliate identification information for Amazon, eBay, and Kontera.
Weebly: Weebly allows you to set up a one page website or a blog. They are easy to create and Weebly gets good traffic once they are set up. They allow you two pages per email address.
By creating a free money-making website, you are creating a way to earn money for months and years. The older the website and the more outbound links you create, the more apt people will be to visit the site, click on the links, and perhaps purchase your products and services. These types of websites are also perfect for creating backlinks to your main website or blog.